Saturday, April 19, 2014

Thee American End

Listen Americans, you ignorant of your roots in the Lost 10 Tribes, listen for you who headed the other tribes have led them into the abyss and the grave.

You allowed to be installed that false messiah and with a false messiah comes your real national death. The Lord God has stretched out His hand against you, for you chose deception and would not be deceived if you had not made the willing choice.

The Lord will lift up standards in distant nations and will glean you to the bone. You will be a prey made in nature and in the hand of the beast. You will be growled over in darkness and distress.

You are told, but you will not hear, for the Commandment has gone from God, for you are a witless folk.

You listen, but you will not perceive the warning. Your hearts will not be moved. Your eyes will be dim. For it is not of the Lord for you to repent from your sins, as His reckoning is set for the cup of your iniquity is full. So you will not hear, you will not see, you will not understand and you will not flee.
You will not be healed in this national death for your wound is terminal.

All of your tribes will die, like the great exile of the north Kingdom. From Stockholm, to Paris, to London, to Washington, to Ottawa to Sidney, you will die.

The death will not stop until the cities are empty and the houses without inhabitant. The lands will be desolate and fertilized in the manure of your bodies upon the ground.

What the bird plucks not, the maggot will devour, and what the maggot devours not, the rot will render you to black burned patches upon the ground, decorated by your stark white bones.

One tenth of you will be the remnant, after the days of visitation are complete. The land will be forsaken and desolate. Yet from the remnant of you, you will plough the fertilized lands with your dead and bury their bones to remove the stench of you from the land.

As the eastern exile moved to the west, so will be the day when the western exile moves to the east again to the Promised Land.

Die you worthless culls. Die a hundred millions deaths and then be found to die all the more. Die in the streets, die in the fields, die where death finds you, but most of all die in your delusions and let you save yourselves from a God you have rejected while you pontificate how much more godly you are than God.
