Tuesday, September 23, 2014

American Terrorists

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

It will seem the oddest of things, but the worst terrorists in America were brought about by a dog fight.

That will sound like more than you will be able to wrap your minds around, but it is the Truth, for if there had not been a dog fight, there never would have been a Geronimo of the Apache.

The Apache comprised two tribes, the plains and the mountain divisions. These peoples came from Canada in the far north, in the Great Slave region of  the central muskeg.

One must understand that the northern Indian, had the canoe and the dog season. Winter was dog sleds and summer was for canoes. During the summer, the Indians never fed their dogs, so they prowled about camps eating everything from leather to puppies and each group had their own clan of dogs.
It was in one such dog fight, that the Indians from each clan got into a dispute as clubs rained down, and the division from the Chipewyan was the Apache.

It is an extremely long distance from the Northwest Territories to Arizona, but of interest, that is where the Apache Chipewyan finally found a place to settle, between the Navajo and the Comanche.

It is of interest that the Chipewyan is a lazy Indian, but kind and honest. The Apache was not in the least humane. It makes one wonder if being pushed south by superior warring tribes, that the Apache found a niche of harsh climate between literal Mexicans, Comanches, Navajos and other warlike Indians, where they themselves became the worst form of terrorists in order to survive.

One ponders in this, that there were no sled dogs with the Apache of any sort or look. It would seem that on their southward trip, they probably ate all their dogs, the very dogs which were the cause of the dispute.

To think that a dog fight, was the reason for one of the greatest terrorizations of America in the Apache. They were the last to be neutralized, for they were more sadistic than the Comanche and more cruel than the Mexican.
There never would have been a General  Nelson Appleton Miles who would capture Geronimo, and later lead the American military in the Spanish American War if not for a dog fight. The same holds true for a little boy raised in the southwest on a military reservation known as Douglas MacArthur, whose father was an officer engaged in the Indian service.

It makes one ponder of the reality that the worst terrorists in American history, were Sioux and Apache, and both came to America from Canada out of Asia. The frigid climate of Canada seemed to quell the worst savagery, but transplant these Indians to a warmer climate, give them horse and guns, in being honed by the warlike nature of other tribes, and voila, they became a pariah to the world.

I contemplate that while cold weather does nothing to stop Caucasian aggression, but heat makes the white sloven, that perhaps the war on terror against Islamocommunists should have just transplanted all the Muslims into Siberia, and the cold would have accomplished what war only bankrupted the world with.

Now though you know a bit more reality, instead of the nonsense of "first peoples" and other such rubbish of Indian worship. According the PBS series NOVA, the American Indian is a product of an almost extinct Japanese mountain people, who are a sedate people. These Indians were crossed with Phoenican exiles fleeing Assyrian captivity in founding colonies like Carthage to the American shores, whereby those "European" genetics became infused into the bloodlines.

Fascinating things, as the dog fight was probably due to a Snowshoe Hare die off from their being overpopulated, and it was in a starvation year which the dogs were battling and the Indians were in ill humor.

The natural 10 year cycle of rabbit plague, caused a dog fight, which caused a split in the Great Slave Indian group, which in turn caused the creation of the worst terror cell the world has ever experienced in the Apache.
Honed by other warlike tribes, added horses from Spain and guns from Europeans, they became the American Terrorists immigrated from Canada.

Amazing to me, that dead bunnies and a dog fight could create such a carnage against all. One expects in tales of yore that it was some great crime of massacre, but the roots of it all was a cycle of nature and a bad canine day where the people who would become the Apache were beaten by their own Canadian Indian peoples.

nuff said
