Friday, May 10, 2024

Signs in Heaven Tonight - Solar Nukes

I had to give up ice skating as I was melting the ice  in being such a babe of hotness.

The solar atomic bombs having detonated will raise the temperature 20 degrees
for global warming as they strike earth tonight.......or it might be I'm so hot that I jacked it up 20.

lucy plasma vortex bergemann

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For most of us, even those in the latter parts of the United States, tonight you if you go outside you should see one of the best displays of the northern lights. The last time earth got hit by solar energy like this was in 2005. There is enough energy in this one to knock out power and satellites.

My hope is this is my opportunity to witness something that I missed last time, and have only read about in green coloured lights which you can actually hear. I read about this in Reader's Digest in a woman from western South Dakota spoke of such an event.  I have seen some impressive displays, but only shooting white lights, but no sound, colour or ribbons.

Blessed be the plasma to light my night.

It is better than human nukes going off in that kind of display.

So enjoy my gift to you.

Aurora Visible for Much of Northern U.S. Friday Night - WeatherNation

20 hours ago ... The particles shed energy as they collide with our atmospheric gasses, giving the aurora a spectacular glow of colors. Aurora Borealis is seen ...


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Biden Brewskies

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It would appear that the Soros, Buffett, Obama cartel funded operators have figured out a basic principle in their anarchy as the FBI and Department of Justice protect these now out of the nest birds, in the principles of cause and effect, equate that putting all law enforcement on foot, coupling the distances of America, that the thin blue line is erased as much as Americans are going to be erased by invaders.

Portland Arson Burns 15 Police Vehicles

It will not be long before placing immobility onto law enforcement by these groups, that they will make them blind in cutting off cameras and drones from their launch points.

It will be Travel No Evil, Hear No Evil, See No Evil.

Laws have zero meaning for those above the law.Laws only police those who are self policed.

It is projected that just like in Hollywood's movies, these arsonists, removed the gas tank fill metal restriction with a pry bar, a cloth was inserted into the gas tank, the gas soaks up the cloth and it is lit with a common butane lighter. Apparently the perpetraitors were well practiced in this technique in making law enforcement vehicles Molotov Cocktails or in honor of the Obama legacy of police state assisted anarchy, Biden Brewskies.

The United States is in need of legitimate uniform law and order.

Nuff Said

Shambala (1975) - Three Dog Night - YouTube

Jan 31, 2009 ... Shambala (1975) - Three Dog Night. 11M views · 15 years ago ...more. 3DogsLive. 42.5K. Subscribe. Like. Share. Save.


The trial of a dwarf

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Kremlin has engaged in an interesting gambit in listing the dwarf Zellinskyy as a wanted war criminal and his potential replacement, the former Victoria Nuland stooge, Porchenko, in preparation for the May 20th expiration of the selected regime in Kiev when Zellinskyy cancelled elections and therefore an illegitimate figure in Kiev.

Zellinskyy is now wanted dead or alive, without reward.

This though has nothing to do with Russian forces. This has to do with Ukrainian military and the population now having an avenue where they can move with the population against the Nuland regime, and have an avenue sue for peace with Russia. The agreement would be simple. Russia gets South Ukraine, including Odessa, and Russia gets Zellinskyy and these other stooges to prosecute in court. There is not going to be any rallying of support with Zellinskyy in a Russian dungeon.

We have now before us a unique  situation where the war in Ukraine will end. All that will be left are a few scattered NATO groups to fight Russia, as the military of Ukraine is collapsing and it will withdraw. It will be like the collapse of the Reich in Germany when Hitler flew off to Argentina with others. Hitler though was able to bargain with America with nuclear material and fixing the Oppenheimer bomb, Zellinskyy has absolutely nothing to bargain with Moscow with, he is a mass murderer and will be tried as such.

Like all regimes, even in the West, if a criminal outlet is presented, an illegitimate leader is present in a fraud election, then the people given enough cover to not be Ashli Babbitt in the streets, regime change would be initiated. This is what Russia is laying the groundwork for in Kiev, and this will progress to the West as Russia gains a hegemony with the rest of the world in BRICS.

Nuff Said


there was war in heaven brought to earth

die Tochter von Typhon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been positioned to bring this to terms for what is coming, and the reality of what is here, is only for the donors, FAITHFUL donors, and not for the brats. You have enough hot coals in hell waiting for you, so do not add to them, and click your smug assess of this site, as you have no part in what is to follow as the information will not do you any good. So curses be upon you sealed in Jesus Name.

For what is coming, the Great Deception, and your attempted extermination with the rest of the world, I'm moved to explain what is out there beyond the veil in the shadow world. You have heard history which is mostly wrong, you have some idea of Scripture which is designed to only inform you and others what you should know and you have your idiocy in thinking you are more intelligent than you are.

What we are going to read about now is something of theologian Joseph Farrell who is theologian bright and dense and Immanuel Velikovsky who is brilliant and ignorant to come as close to what you can grasp to understand in reasoning.

There was war in Heaven. There was war in heaven.

Like the great it was the best of times  and it was the worst of times,  the above statements are Lame Cherry till the end of time correct and we are about to open the two doors to make one, so you will understand what is, what was and what will be.

The ancients from Adam to Noah were not laying around in tents and swatting flies.They were a far more educated and brilliant people than is understood. They had spiritual physics or metaphysics as their science. So you will grasp this, they were Nicolai Tesla in longitudinal energy in that resource.

Enoch who was translated and was and was not then there, is based as the genius of a great deal of knowledge, the pyramids for example. There was metratron the demon who bestowed the knowledge of destruction to those who opened the portal to it. The Ancients were not one mind marching lock step. There was a sons of God line from Adam To Noah, and then there were these other people who had no use for God.

We will jump into this now at the focal point in something you have probably heard of and if you have any knowledge of Farrell and Velikovsky, you will know what the subject is, for there was war in heaven.

At one time in the night sky, earth was not as weighty as she is now. It did not rain. There were not great oceans. There was on continent. In the sky from earth, there were wonderful spectacles to be seen, and people were in awe to the point of worship of this very large image which we call Saturn.

One night, people looked up and they beheld another light which was looming bright. They watched this grow brighter and come closer. They understood that this was bad news, very bad news. You might remember in the Bible that Noah lived hundreds of years, in being directed to build an ark, as something was coming and the entire world refused, because they had another salvation planned in the Great Pyramid. Some have mistakenly called this a weapon because they were not there. This was never intended to be a weapon, it was instead a machine to project energy outwards to protect earth.

As Noah built the ark, this light kept growing more bright. The people watched it in a war, like the War in Heaven where satan attempted to supplant God, but in this war in heaven, people watched this great movement where Jupiter was pulled from it's orbit inward, and later a this object made it's eliptical orbit around the sun, in outgoing  it grabbed Saturn and shifted it further out. Saturn had been supplanted by Jupiter as the light in the sky.

We know certainties that what this object was, was an immense body which was all of ice or what will follow will explain some things. 

The ancient machines were energy devices. They amplified human thought to a greater degree to direct that energy in a form of plasma. When those who did not trust in God, directed their Great Pyramid with this plasma energy to deal with this object, the energy beam actually hit Mars and caused damage and destruction there in the line of fire. There was a great deal of nudging this and in all the G forces and meta forces, another planet between Jupiter and Saturn was torn apart by the combined forces to form the asteroid belt.

For all of the power this was not a planet destroyer but earth and an anchor point was subject to opposite and equal forces as earth was the foot stool where this was anchored and what was out there was the opposite. If you remember the Star Trek episode in the asteroid deflector, that is akin to what was being unleashed.

It did not work though as intended as a huge piece of this object broke off, and while the main object caused all kinds of havoc on earth and broke the moon, which God put there to absorb incoming meteors and comets which is why it is pock marked like the other planets to absorb objects coming in,  the ice planetoid sized chunk was pulled into the earth's atmosphere, where the events are recorded in the Bible of the springs opened up, meaning pressure of compression and force pumped water from underground to help flood the earth, but this ice started melting and caused 40 days of what was termed as rain. The great deluge was accomplished. Those who trusted in the pyramid perished. Those who built an ark, survived, Noah and his family with the animal stock which God gathered, while leaving the pre flood large dinosaurs to perish as with the additional weight of earth, these huge animals would perish too as being too heavy

The giants of old perished too, but when Noah landed the ark on a mountain, the knowledge of the pre flood existed in writing and in time and generations, the people began assembling this knowledge and legend, War in Heaven, was tied to war in heaven, and that war in heaven part was quite real as their knowledge knew that object was out there and returning and they had a problem in they knew the Great Pyramid was a deflection tool, but they did not understand how to fill the bays and power it up.

Enter the mighty hunter of men, Nimrod who would reenact the Prophesied coming of Christ as the God man with his priestess wife Semaramis at a placed called Nineveh. Before all of that false history appeared, Nimrod gained absolute control of the people, and the knowledge of how to use this energy of the Pyramid with a different power source, which as mentioned above Nicolai Tesla was coming close to "grabbing the earth" with in a huge tower outside New York City. Nimrod had the people building this energy tower, a machine, to grab that energy flow, which they ascertained could not just be used to protect earth from calamity, as calamity was coming back in that huge object was returning going outward, but this energy could open the stairway to Heaven, it could transform people in they would not need God and they could become eternals, not immortals, and this thing could be used as a weapon, a mind energy weapon, just as God directs all energy, that is what Babel was.

This is what God records in "They" came down to see what was taking place and left the ominous message that there was nothing that man could not accomplish........

So the object returned, without Babel completed. God confused the languages and to stop this to the End Times, had the object pull the one continent apart into seven, and put people far way from each other, so that in time, those who possessed that knowledge died out and there were only artifacts left and odd ceremonies or legends that people really did not comprehend why they were doing these things in ritual and science.

There actually is a Star Trek cartoon which depicts that the pyramids in Latin America were signalling stations to bring the builders back who left. Not quite right, but it is the idea that these devices had been built to keep a continuous directed energy "out there" for when earth rotated. Never thought of that now did you? But then you were not there like some people's essence was back then.

The War in Heaven. The  war in heaven. I told you they would combine in being neither nor and either or, but together closer to the facts.

This is coming again. Wormwood, not alone, but the children of Nimrod, the Assyrians and that other kindred of Japheth, the serpent children, have corrupted understanding to bring the remnants of the war in heaven to war in the earth.

I really hope that the non donors did not read this all, as it will be to their great harm. As for my Faithful children, you have a bit more comprehension which should assist you in the Great Deception to not be deceived by that.

I have to return to living in the future as I have sojourned in the past long enough.

Nuff Said.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Russian Nuclear Response Projection

Россия заставит вас трястись за ваши киевские яйца

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not have any time to waste on non donors in entertaining. I have concluded that those freeloaders are all going to die and end up dragged to hell for not helping out here, so this is a simple white paper for my children in what would be an intelligence analysis of the Russian position in deploying hypersonic missiles at NATO HQ.

Pay attention.

Russia has announced on state television that they would use their nuclear hyperonic platforms against NATO command and control. They will not target civilian populations as they do not want them harmed. The purpose would  be to inflame the mob to rise up and demand and end to these Goddamn woke globalists dragging  us all into this precarious situation.

As the Lame Cherry is one of the last nuclear warfare experts, you understand why Ritter and MacGregor are silent on this stuff, as there is a difference between military assessment and forensic psychological diplomacy and nuclear warfare.

I do not conclude that Russia will launch nuclear warheads in their response to NATO 101 Airborne and French forces engaging in Ukraine. What the Kremlin will do is this.

They will warn again. They will announce in public and in private, that they have launched their hypersonics as they will appear in satellite plumes. They will confirm that these MERV's are  NON NUCLEAR warheads and are a response to  NATO aggression against Russians in direct attacks upon Russia.

This is Russian chess. Russia wants the population scared with this slap to engage them to bring down these regimes and bankers behind this Ashkenaz for profit venture threatening Russia. This will destabilize and probably shatter NATO in this response.

It is hard to launch a nuclear attack on Russia to justify it, when it is a conventional attack.

NATO will then be forced to attack in response with conventional weapons, most likely soft targets in Russian ships etc..
Russia has the S 400 defense which would stop most of these attacks and Russia can absorb that without escalation.

America in this time would launch their nuclear bombers, but as it takes 12 hours for them to hit Russia, this is the window which Russia would bet this gambit on that this would not go nuclear.

Russia even in escalation, would not strike the Minuteman Bases in America as they are Pentagon bait. The Pentagon before the Soviet Union fell was going to retire all of these antique systems. They are bait for 400 Russian missiles to save the woke metros. The Kremlin comprehends this and it is not logical to blow up empty silos, blow up deer or blow up missiles which 25% will not probably launch nor complete mission, 25% will not hit target and Russia has the S 500 system which will destroy most of these ICBM's if they were lost. Russia would fire it's 400 warheads at double tap targets and not the few hundred thousand plains people and deer. It is logical to hit metro dictatorships where millions would be killed and disabled to drain resources than be concerned about BFE North Dakota.

Russia's conventional SARMAT striking off NATO would be strategic. It would warn the world, warn NATO, and bring NORAD online to tempt Star Wars to stopping these warheads. In this Russia's gambit is to activate Star Wars, to assess it's capabilities as the allies would howl for protection and not getting it, would howl at DC and this would break apart NATO as being worthless.

If Star Wars were successful, Russia had it's success in it responded, provoked the mob to bring down t these woke mad genders, and by this Russia would if this escalated use nuclear weapons to neutralize Star Wars, where their platforms led by SARMAT would then be a success.

It is assessed that Russia as part of NATO command na control would sink the USS Eisenhower and those escorts with conventional hypersonics. It will strike Norfolk Virginia, the American NATO base, with the strategy of inflaming the Jan6 population and now Gaza Protesters to bring down the Ziongelical regime in the District of Criminals in Speaker Johnson and Dictator Biden.

Russia would deem it collateral damage any conventional American response, as the bigger prize is shattering the American police state, political whore state and finance and war profit pimp state which is threatening Russia.

The minor chance this would escalate to a nuclear response with the napping Dictator Biden would deem this a scare the shit out of Rainbow Blinkin and Austin worth the risk,

Sinking US Navy ships would break the illusion of the American naval projection of power in the Pacific and Mideast.. Hitting Norfolk would scare the shit out of the Pentagon as they would know they were 15 minutes from a smoking pile too.

This is the quick talking point assessment and reasoning of the Russian nuclear response. It reflects the Russian chessboard response in well thought out response, which does not respond the quickest to on the ground situations, but it does grind along with effective results when pitted against these fruit brain faggots who are Western policy group who are delusional and cowards in proxy fights.

I expect Russia to strike NATO command as it would be advantageous in the long game. Short game they would have the Amen Sean Homo Hannity and Mark Levin Mockingbird as in Ukraine, but the American voice is now dominating. Russia would in long game of a few months gain the American and Western voice to cease this threat as Hal Turner stated, "Americans in comfort do not squeal like pigs until they are in danger". Russia would win the political battle in the West in 3 months and gain the field as the population would rise up in not having anything to lose with being vaporized later or trying to stop this and being shot down by the FBI or MI5.

This is generating  plus 50% in the plus minus toward Russian response. The Russians will not be baited by obsolete missiles in Minot, but will instead set their own bait to achieve their long goal in the end of NATO. As this is what the old order  in Europe desires to get rid of America and England to set up their Reich, the semblance of this is a projection for these events to transpire.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said



Mad Oprah

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are reports now appearing, after the Fauci Flu and Donald Trump's Warp Speed, of prion disease in the brain. We are noting with the vaxes a marked increase in different disorders from personality to chronic wasting disease or Mad Oprah.

What has been perplexing to the Erica Khan experts is how this is appearing now in numbers in small localities, in like 4 people exhibiting the disease and tying in short amounts of time.

I actually inquired on this and what appears to be going on is, this is related to the Fauci Flu, which you must remember was a weaponized lab virus, and it came in two strains, the lethal strain and the strain which immunized.

We are not talking about senility here, but about prion disease. The basis of the inquiry was that these people had prion disease already. Meaning they had been exposed as numbers of people have but as this disease takes years to manifest, but is now manifesting in a shortened amount of time.

It is thought here that those people who spoke of flu symptoms of loss of taste were the ones that had been already exposed to prions as prions are not something unheard of in nature. One must remember the history here, that the spike protein is how the Coronavirus infects and spreads in cells. A spike protein inside a cell is a spike protein. The spike protein outside of a blood cell is a prion.

We now know that the pion, infects the spleen, travels up the Parkinson's nerve ,and then infects the brain in the vax.

What took place with the Coronavirus Wuhan was it became a carrier of these prions, moved normally to the sinus passages and by this, entered into the brain. As carriers of these prion, it fast tracked them, supercharged them so to speak.

The links below explain this neuro and Ace2 platforms in the brain in the actual clinical method of these misfolded proteins which are prions.

Aug 25, 2020 ... The highest ACE2 expression level was found in the pons and medulla oblongata in the human brainstem, containing the medullary respiratory ...

Oct 2, 2023 ... Localizing ACE2 within the neurovascular unit at the interface between the blood and the brain can provide basic information about SARS-CoV-2 ...

Jul 4, 2020 ... Although it is not human brain tissue, our data still provide evidence that ACE2 protein is expressed in human neurons, which is, consequently, ...

There are natural anti‐PrP antibodies in a small percentage of all humans which exist. This is God's manifetation of life, like the Black Death  Plague having a small percentage of human who were immune, survived and passed on that gene immunity. 

This is thought why a certain percentage of people who were infected with the virus are not manifesting  the Mad Oprah as their immune structure, sans not being vaxed, are able to resist this part of the bioweapon Wuhan.

There have been published treatments and other treatments being looked at, but the people who are exhibiting this Mad Oprah are succumbing almost faster than the diagnosis can be performed with tests.

These entire platforms were designed in a major part to amplify what was wrong with humans in the majority to manifest and to remove them from the population with a number of disease. With the prion it simply boosted it without a vax, but with the virus.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

agtG 252

The Echo Terrorist

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a movie review of another shitty movie that I happened upon,as I thought that Tommy Lee Jones would not betray me and that Benito Deltoro or whatever was not that bad in other things I saw him in passing........I was wrong. HUNTED is a real shitter  movie.

It starts out with the 4000 year old  Tommy Lee Jones in British Columbia as an eco terrorist, working for some anti group, setting wolves free from snares by chewing on pine needles and then bashing the heads in of legal Canadian trappers.

As a trapper, who knows how these eco greens have destroyed wildlife in North America with these Goddamn big predators that Teddy Roosevelt said should be exterminated, I was amused at how stupid the movie was..........I will explain trapping here a bit and snaring.

See there is a foothold snare which is just a trap with snare wire for jaws. What Jones was carrying around was a regular mind you this was Canada in winter, so the ground is frozen and he had a stake attached to this snare which had a triangle on the bottom. That is put there so even and elephant can not pull it out. Jones not knowing jack or shit was showing this like a wolf or anything could have ever pulled it out of the frozen ground. I can tell you that the snare cable would have broke, probably at the ferule (the clamp that secures the snare wire, long before  that stake ever came out of the ground.)

That is more information than some Trapperman Dobbins forum would ever educate the public with as they play lord god.

So after that terrorism in Canada, this idiot Benito is in Serbia, cutting  the head off a Serb, because we all know how evil Christians are and Muslims are the victims in the same left wing propaganda.

It is ok as Tommy Lee later finds Benito's lair in a tree and he has a Bible, a blonde woman and blonde child, who are all evil like trappers, soldiers and Christian which fills out the slander.

OK for the highlights, Tommy Lee Jones is a geezer as we all know, but he runs down a car, runs down a bike and runs down a train for realism. We all know 4000 year old fossils who can run 50 miles per hour.

Anyway Tommy is hunting Benito, in the moss jungle, the asphalt jungle and the concrete jungle where we get this slow motion fight scenes of this old guy and this European which was painful to watch in it was so slow. I was figuring Tommy was going to have a  stroke or heart attack when he was running or break a hip as you could just hear those bones creaking and veins straining.

My favorite part was in the massive man hunt where now both without weapons, take off the entire afternoon where Tommy fashions a stone knife and Benito goes blacksmith and makes a steel knife out of a leaf spring from a junked car.

The cops must have all been on a donut break.

Speaking of cops, Connie Nielsen.......TL said she was in some oldie movie, she teased hotness, except when he was trying to be Helen Keller with shades. This is her and I had high hopes for her as she looks bone meal in blue jeans.

Here she is another movie in jeans. She wears the well......better than she holds a pistol.

I kept hoping for a shower scene of a slow strip, and Benito showing up, tries to copulate with her, she squirts soap in his eyes, Tommy Lee Jones bursts in, they burst through  window, fall 12 stories and do another slow action fight scene, but the skirt was wasted in not saving this eco terror movie........where some people should be put the back of the DVD said.

Here is a photo of her being hot and wasted, as she is a fat porker now.......what a waste.

Anyway geezerTommy, beats up Canadians younger than him, gets beat up by Benito, smashed down a waterfall,  snared, spiked in the thigh with a vampire stake, falls off a mountain........and then comes up slashing with his stone knife  and Benito fillets him, but Tommy prevails in stabbing the young warrior in the heart to win.

The thing is Benito was writing letters for help, Tommy did nothing, and then Tommy adds to greenhouse gases in burning the pile of letters in the Canada.

If they would have cut out the eco terrorism, the moss jungle, replaced Tommy Brad Pitt when he was young.......and replaced Benito with just about anyone breathing........did the shower scene with Nielsen, the movie would not have been that bad. Hell if they would have just sped up the fight scenes in the frames it would have been better.

This was just a stupid left wing movie, woke, and even more stupid, a complete waste and I will never watch Tommy again or Benito in anything as I hate these woke shit actors. This was not the worst movie I have seen...Jessica Alba was a whore in that one and you got to have a real shitter movie if Jessica Alba is doing sex scenes and the movie sucks......but this is really a movie to avoid or one that you get the pellet rifle out and practice shooting at the DVD.

Oh one more thing, something I did not get as Tommy Lee was an expert in killing humans. Benito was killing humans, but they had this like five knife swipe slash the throat, slash the two legs. slash up the body core and then cut the head off.

As the human body in Adrenalin carries about 45 seconds of energy after you are supposed to be dead, I was watching this and thinking, the time it is taking to cut the legs, not cut the body as people have body armor and moving back to the neck, some trained warrior is going to throat punch, eye gouge into the brain, before you get to the head cutting part. Meaning  Tommy would be dead before his operating menu was complete.
There are points in combat and one is to kind of not get drenched in blood or guts as you can't really wash that off and no one likes sitting around in sticky blood crusting up as swarms of flies buzz gives away your position. Guts.....well you know what your toilet smells like. No one wants be around Big Foot's ass.

24 actually showed the correct method in a knife to the larynx, cutting the vocal cords, slicing quickly right left, if one is right handed, and as pulling out, booting the target backwards onto the ground to get distance. Nothing freezes people like a knife blade to the throat. It why predators go for the throat as it is the ground zero fear point in the brain.

Anyway, 24 kept things tidy so Kieffer Sutherland did not get a blood bath which is the idea as greased pigs and blood baths make things slipper which is not what you want to be in combat as other targets will appear.

Hollywood should hire me as a technical expert. I will not work on Alec Baldwin movies though as I do not want to get shot by empty guns with no fingers on the trigger.

That about sums up the movie review in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. That is allot of work for a dollar. 

Nuff Said

